Wanna Play? – Why Games are Important

A ‘Ludo’ game board, the aim of the game is to send your coloured pieces around the board before making their way ‘home’. Based of the an Indian game, Pachisi that can trace its origins back to the 6th Century. Basically humans have abstracted play for as long as they have abstracted! Incredible (Credit: Peggychoucair via Pixabay)

Chess has seen a resurgence recently. Access to interesting youtube content from Grand Masters and International Masters mixed with the success of Netflix’s chess-themed drama ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ have returned its status as a game of intellectuals and Kings. But is it really all that and a bag o’ chips? I mean, games have come a long way since chess happened.

It got me thinking, so here’s a little opiniony thinky piece about chess and play.

Chess-like games have likely existed for nearly as long as humans could first look at a bit of a stick, a pebble or a dried nugget of shit and abstract that it could represent a person. The latter especially so, I know many people who are dry shits – I’m one of them – so it’s not a hard abstraction to make.

Even so it likely originates in ancient Asian cultures. We can trace a lot of modern chess-likes back to the Chinese game of Xiangqi (pronounced like shangchi – I think…) which has its first textual mention in the first century BCE. As with everything in history there’s a lot of debate about whether this was or wasn’t the same thing as the later version of the game. Then some bloke about six hundred years later wrote about it and historians debate whether that was the same game and so on, and so forth.

It’s always the same old story of a bunch of old men who smell like leather and wee nitpicking over functionally useless, arbitrary details and avoiding the point. The point is since humans were first bored, and could abstract an object as representing another figure they’ve been playing games.

Chess – The Game of Kings – Literally, the whole deal is to try and trap your opponent’s King. It is essentially an abstraction of old state dynamics. Castles, bishops, knights, kings, queens etc. Considered a ‘respectable’ even an ‘intellectual’ game whilst some videogames, despite being much more complex, are still frowned upon. (Credit: moritz320 via Pixabay)

Being a gamer in this day and age carries a lot of baggage. It summons forth images of overgrown man children, dangling 70s hippy hair framing a scruffy neckbeard, wearing some nerdy t-shirt and jeans, smelling of snack remnants and body odour and furiously fiddling their controllers. I assure you, in my case, this is true.

Chess, meanwhile, summons up images of smart Nordic types in black turtleneck sweaters, one hand posted on their chin in Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ pose using their hyper-intelligent calculator brains to think moves ahead of their opponent and achieve a tactical victory. I assure you, in my case, this is false. But then I’m also not good at chess.

Even though the games the stanky nerds play may require more urgency, more tactics, greater response times and more adaptability. Even though their game may be newer, meaning they have had to literally learn and build the knowledge base itself to even practice being good at the game whilst chess has a recorded history dating back hundreds of years and established, teachable, learnable strategy and method – we still respect chess players more.

A graphic of a standard PS4 Control-Pad – The DualShock 4 – Two analogue sticks provide rotational and directional ‘movement’, whilst the rest of the buttons abstract to certain in-game actions. That this controller layout, or one approximate to it, has become standard and been adapted to many different game types, shows tremendous design and skill on behalf of players (Credit: everesd_design via Pixabay)

This is because of reputation and nothing more. It’s because the Kings of the past didn’t play Starcraft or Clash of Clans. It’s because there were no consoles, no tactics RPGs, no min-maxing roguelites or God forbid – Grand Strategy games.

Let’s take a grand strategy – say Europa Universalis developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. Have you ever played Europa Universalis? It is now on its fourth instalment so if you haven’t played it by now where have you been? Oh, having a life. Sorry.

Europa Universalis puts you in charge of a state, with almost no set goals or objectives other than to do some stuff as time progresses. For example the first game had you running a European nation between 1492 and 1792. In many ways it is a complication of the scenarios chess abstracts and simplifies. You have to carefully manage budgets, monarchies, populations, religions, militaries, diplomats and a whole glut of other of the nuts and bolts of running a nation. The court dynamics that chess abstracts and simplifies are here recreated in as much detail as you can cram into the game’s algorithms – the numbers, maths and equations in the code that make a game play, that determine the outcomes of actions and the computer players’ responses.

If you were to ask me who I respect more, the world’s greatest grand master of chess or the person who, say in Europa Universalis: Rome, took the Picts to the height of European superpower I would have to say the latter.

The fact is both chess and Europa Universalis are incredibly complicated and involved games. Both can be learned, practiced and their internal situations manipulated until you can succeed at just about any aim you would like. Yet one form of ‘play’ is not only socially permitted but socially acceptable and another is less so.

A screenshot of Europa Universalis IV (EU) (© Paradox Games) showing a map of Europe. The ‘goal’ of EU is to just run a state. How you do that, what your goals and aims are, are entirely up to you. In many ways a complication of the abstractions of chess, you must manage your court dynamics carefully in order to ‘succeed’ in whatever it is you are trying to succeed at. Maybe you want the City State of Venice to Conquer Italy? Maybe you want to expand the British Empire or maybe you want Austria to take over the world? The choice is yours, but the loftier your goal the more intricate knowledge of the game’s mechanics, and the more luck, it is going to take to achieve them. (Credit: Paradox Games and Dharma Review – used without permission, contact us for removal if desired)

Humans play. Almost all animals play. Play is an essential part of living. Early in our lives it tends to represent an acting out of future roles and responsibilities. We play soldiers, we play doctors, we play house. Sometimes it may represent an act of understanding our environment. We play animals, we play plants or we play trees. Sometimes it represents the basis of evolutionary competition. We play tag, we play hide-and-seek, we play punch each other and see who can take the hardest punch without crying (just my shady, working-class upbringing?). Sometimes it helps us develop the coordination we need. We play ball sports, catching, throwing, hitting – all imitations of pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer behaviours, an anthropological legacy.

As we get older play becomes, in my opinion, something even more vital. Whether it’s make-believing with kids, having a tickle-fight with your partner, playing ‘would you rather…’ with your friends, backgammon, chess or picking up a controller and embodying someone or something else for a while – it keeps us honed, it keeps us stimulated, it keeps us young. It reminds us of our plasticity, our ability to learn, change, adapt and overcome challenges when our lives and their challenges become stable, predictable and familiar.

Children playing, whether digging in dirt (mimicking future potential construction skills), skipping rope (hand-eye coordination and cardiovascular fitness), throwing a ball around (mimicking skills vital for prehistoric hunting behaviours and hand-eye coordination) even just running around (humans are known to have been long-distance, cardiovascular hunters) or even things like board games, card games and videogames (teaching hand-eye coordination, as well as abstracted management mechanics, upholding of rules (or how to cheat!), and cooperation. Games are not just ‘fun’ – they essentially make fun the learning of skills vital to living. (Credit: Cade Martin, Dawn Arlotta, USCDCP)

Chess hasn’t been solved. There are so many permutations, calculations and complications that a computer cannot come up with a decisive, winning strategy every time. Computers regularly beat human players but a new relationship is forming. Humans, in tandem with computers, are learning how to beat human and Artificial Intelligence alike.

This, to me, is the true power of play. To work together with a system of simulation to allow us to learn, to know, to understand and to be better people.

Published by Karl Anthony Mercer

Karl Anthony Mercer is a writer, poet, author, musician and part-time dandy. He can often be found squatting in fields looking at insects (he is an unapologetic wasp fanatic), wandering around museums over-dressed, or hiding in a dank corner singing sad songs on a small guitar. His writing on WordPress consists of MercersPoems - an outlet for his poetry often using natural imagery, gothicism and decadence to explore the struggles of living as an autistic person; and We Lack Discipline - Where he writes about factual, often academic topics he has learned and is interested in (e.g. biology, psychology, Roman history etc.) with an inimitable, often light-hearted and irreverant style. You can support Karl by; Subscribing to the We Lack Discipline Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/WeLackDiscipline Or buying him a coffee (he loves coffee!) - https://ko-fi.com/welackdiscipline

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