Wanna Play? – Why Games are Important

Chess has seen a resurgence recently. Access to interesting youtube content from Grand Masters and International Masters mixed with the success of Netflix’s chess-themed drama ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ have returned its status as a game of intellectuals and Kings. But is it really all that and a bag o’ chips? I mean, games have comeContinue reading “Wanna Play? – Why Games are Important”

For the Love of C*nts (Possibly NSFW)

CONTENT WARNING: Contains lots of sexy sex, also contains lots of rude words and images of the things those rude words describe. Also note: Everything said here is by a cisgender, heterosexual male. Whilst I have been called a cunt many times, and clearly have an affinity for them, I have not ever possessed one.Continue reading “For the Love of C*nts (Possibly NSFW)”