Top Ten Sharks #9 – The Blue Shark, Prionace glauca

Why am I following up the behemoth with a mouth that could crush the core of the Earth, the megalodon, with a 3m (around 10 feet) cuddly toy? Well because I think sharks are cute. I think the blue shark is one of the cutest animals on the planet. I think it’s absolutely gorgeous andContinue reading “Top Ten Sharks #9 – The Blue Shark, Prionace glauca”

Top Ten Sharks: Introduction

An introduction to the basics of sharks, explaining what the chondrichthyes are (fish made of cartilage) what the elsamobranchs are (basically sharks and rays) and a little bit of the natural history, the evolutionary past, and the sensory craziness that makes sharks so a misunderstood and awesome group of animals to study.

Forget Jaws, We Lack Discipline will teach you the reality of these maligned, misunderstood beauties.