Human Bias and Animal Myth in Conservation

When I was studying biology human-animal relationships (…no giggling at the back!) was something I really wished I’d had an opportunity to learn more about. A recent paper, ‘Understanding nuanced preferences for carnivore conservation: to know them is not always to love them’ by Macdonald et al. reminded me of quite why I found ourContinue reading “Human Bias and Animal Myth in Conservation”

The Patriarchal Health Crisis

A serious look at the health crisis in men and the significant contributory factor of the masculine identity and the social expectations placed upon men by society as a whole to perform a masculine role.

We Lack Discipline Reads: The Bet – Chapter 3

Moving on to Chapter 3 in Vivienne Tuffnell’s sublime ‘The Bet’ we see Antony Ashurst dealing with the aftermath of having lost his wife and child at home.

We Lack Discipline Reads: The Bet – Chapter 2

An analysis of Chapter 2 of Vivienne Tuffnell’s The Bet in which we meet the deplorable characters of Jenny and Judy and wonder why we aren’t just supposed to murder them right away. This chapter deals a lot with amoral and immoral sexual behaviours, sexual deviancy and the use of sex as a tool of power, control and as a weapon.

Men, We Need to Talk About Violence

A long-read about maleness, masculinity and masculinised violence. Looking at how violence disproportionately affects, and is perpetrated by, men. My discussion on the psychological, sociological and anthropological implications and potential ideas of how we can help moving forward.

My Life and Disappointment

A look at expectation and reality in the human mind and how they can lead to disappointment with the focus being on people who have low expectations and for whom the reality is even lower. People with bad luck who are being failed because society refuses to acknowledge the reality of how life works.

The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing

A look at a few concepts of value, and some psychology of economics with a view to me puzzling out my own future.

Not Politics: The Marketing of a Washing Machine

In an article definitely not about politics we give a basic introduction to the business concept of marketing, including developing a mission, an indentity, a strategy and then utilising advertising and public relations to maximise your competitive advantage. It’s not politics!

Top Ten Hated (But Misunderstood) Animals – 6- The Aye-Aye (Daubentonia madagascarensis)

Nearly half-way through this list and I want to come clean. This started as a conversation about my love for certain ‘undesirables’ – They’re coming up later, but if I asked you to guess the top few hated but misunderstood animals they’d be on your mind. What I didn’t expect was for my research toContinue reading “Top Ten Hated (But Misunderstood) Animals – 6- The Aye-Aye (Daubentonia madagascarensis)”

My Life and Intolerance to Uncertainty

A first-person, almost stream-of-consciousness account of fear caused by uncertainty in someone with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), with focus on intrusive, unwanted thoughts of negative outcomes, gathering information to assist in feeling more comfortable, distraction and routine-building to help out as well as just accepting failure as an option!